Monday, March 21, 2011

Kraftwerk 1974-1981


1974 – Autobahn
1975 – Radio-Activity
1977 – Trans-Europe Express
1978 – The Man-Machine
1981 – Computer World

Kraftwerk is an eletronic style band with two main characters.  Ralf Hutter and Florian Schneider are the only two members that have been around since the beginning.  They have had many musicians throughout the years playing other instruments.  Kraftwerk created their unique image starting from Germany to becoming known worldwide.  Having many albums, there were five main albums that gave them the spotlight.  In 1974, Kraftwerk released the album “Autobahn” that became well known across the world.  Due to the twenty-minute song Autobahn, Kraftwerk introduced the electronic sound that no one has heard with music and it opened up many doors.  Using many forms of electronic keyboards and pads, the song lyrics spoke of modern living and technology.  The song Autobahn was really about traveling on the Autobahn in Germany.  Becoming very popular, albums afterwards were popular too.  In 1975 “Radio-Activity” was released, 1977 “Trans-Europe Express,” 1978 was “The Man-Machine,” and in 1981 was the release of “Computer World.”  Soon they created the image of same color suits that got stuck with them and is to be expected.  “Radio-Activity” was inspired by the success they had and their music being played on the radio.  This album got them success in Europe.  As you were probably thinking already, “Trans-Europe Express” is really about a train.  There was not much stuff after “The Man-Machine” album, but after “Computer World,” Kraftwerk went back on tour.  Kraftwerk being the main influence and creator of the electronic genre, they have also influenced other genres such as techno and hip-hop.  Many groups like Nine Inch Nails, David Bowie, Brian Eno, Depeche Mode, and many more groups have been influenced by the works of Kraftwerk.
I like what Kraftwerk did.  Branching out the way they did is really cool.  They took sounds that were available, and some of their own and made music out of them.  Kraftwerk would be a good group to work with because I think they would be open and willing to try a lot of things.  Creating electronic music and being able to sing onto the song plus making it a top seller is a hard task to achieve and I think Kraftwerk did this very well.

 Ankeny, J. (n.d.). Kraftwerk | AllMusic. AllMusic. Retrieved March 21, 2011, from

Kraftwerk Biography. (n.d.). Entertainment News | Entertainment Photos | Entertainment Video | Retrieved March 21, 2011, from

Kraftwerk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved March 21, 2011, from

Veoh - Kraftwerk and the Electronic Revolution. (n.d.). Free Videos Online - Watch TV Online - Free Video Clips | Veoh. Retrieved March 21, 2011, from